Thank you, Anne Champion for tagging me for the Next Big Thing Interview Series! Her book will be released in February 2013 with Gold Wake Press. Read below to learn more about my forthcoming book of poetry, Some Churches, which will be released in 2014 with Gold Wake Press. A small chapbook...
An Interview with Alis...
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Alison Atlee’s debut novel, The Typewriter Girl, comes out in January 2013 from Simon & Schuster. The Quotable contributor Tasha Cotter interviewed Alison. Q: Can you tell us a little bit about the book? You mentioned it was historical fiction. What sparked the idea for the...
Interview with Graham ...
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Graham Tugwell‘s short story, “And Oh, the Fun they had that Friday Night!“, appears in Issue 2 of The Quotable. He is a PhD student with the School of English, Trinity College Dublin where he teaches Popular and Modernist Fiction. 1. How did you come up with...