June Writing Prompt Contest
She knew that on Mayday you were supposed to get up at dawn, run up a hill and bathe in the morning dew. If you did that the next person you saw would be your true love. Knowing her luck, the next person she saw would be a boss-eyed old farmer. So she stayed in bed and dreamt of sunnier climes in which a tanned Adonis would rise out of the waves to greet her. The alarm woke her. Outside her bedroom window the rain was dripping noisily. The cat had been sick on the bedroom carpet. She turned over.
The June Writing Prompt is:
Summer is my…
The deadline for posting an entry is June 24, 2011. The deadline for voting is June 30, 2011.
The rules: Write a micro story of 100 words or less based on the prompt as a comment to this post. You may enter as many times as you like.
Each post will have a thumb button to the right of it. One click equals one vote, and only one vote is allowed per computer. So have your family, friends, co-workers, the nice barista from your local coffee shop, log on and vote for your story.
Contest winners will be entered to win a free print copy of our Summer Issue: Escape in July and winning entries will be archived on our website.
Good Luck and Happy Writing!